Built for the every day athlete. The HybridRx 8 Week Strength & Conditioning Program is designed to help you increase maximal strength in the Squat, Press, Deadlift, Clean & Jerk, and Snatch while allowing you to build an engine that will not quit.
This program places a heavy emphasis on strategic progressive overload tactics for all strength training components and systematic conditioning progressions that will allow you to build work capacity and develop incredible endurance.
Each training day is program down into 3 sections:
• Olympic Lifting / Strength Training - Each workout begins with 2 main strength exercises (Squat, Press, Hinge, Pull, or Olympic Lift)
• Optional Strength Training - Additional "optional" strength training is provided for those who would like to include more strength work in their training routine or for those who do not wish to perform the Olympic Lifts
• Conditioning - Every workout concludes with a hard hitting CrossFit based workout designed to help you improve aerobic capacity and build anaerobic endurance
This program includes:
• Daily Warm Up
• Detailed training descriptions/explanations
• Demo Videos
• Results Tracking
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 5 Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Prior to any Max Effort Lifts perform 1-3 Warm Up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.
Clean & Jerk
1 x 1
Dual DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
1 x 8
5 Sets For Time: Weighted + Gymnastic
Instructions: • Complete 5 consecutive sets of the triplet as listed "For Time" • Choose the RX/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 7 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb 7 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 7 Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge/Side; 50/30 lb per Hand Scaled: 5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort 7 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 35/20 lb 7 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 7 Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge/Side; 35/20 lb per Hand Scoring Guideline: • Excellent scores for males are between 12:00-14:00 minutes and for females between 13:00-15:00 minutes • Good scores for males are between 14:00-16:00 minutes and for females between 15:00-17:00 minutes • Poor scores for males are 16:00 minutes or longer and for females, 17:00 minutes or longer. Score the time it takes to complete 5 consecutive sets of the triplet.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 5 Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Prior to any Max Effort Lifts perform 1-3 Warm Up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.
Power Clean
1 x 1
Back Squat
1 x 1
Back Squat; Muscular Efficiency
Aerobic Capacity - Long Duration Test
Instructions: • Complete the prescribed workload for each movement listed in the circuit "For Time" • Aim to move at paces that can be sustained across all 3 work sets For Time; At Sustained Effort 2,000/1,750m Row 100/80 Calories Airbike 2,000m Run Scoring Guideline: • Excellent scores for both male and females will fall between 27:00-30:00 minutes • Good scores for both male and females fall between 30:00-33:00 minutes • Poor scores for both male and females are 36:00 minutes or longer Score the time it takes to complete the Chipper.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Ring Row 7 Hand Release Push Up 15m Dual KB Hamstring March (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Prior to any Max Effort Lifts perform 1-3 Warm Up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.
1 x 1
Gymnastic Pull/Press Muscular Endurance
Instructions: • Choose Option 1 or Option 2 for this specific Benchmark Test • Complete as many repetitions of each individual movement in each 5:00 minute AMRAP - Choose the RX or RX+ version of this test based on your own skill/ability. Option 1 Part 1: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Strict Pull Up + Rest 3:00 Minutes + Part 2: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Push Up Option 2: Part 1: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Strict Pull Up + Rest 3:00 Minutes + Part 2: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Stationary/Ring Dip HybridRx Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative Benchmark WOD if you would like to add additional variety to your testing Part 1: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Strict Pull Up + Rest 3:00 Minutes + Part 2: 5:00 Minutes; AMRAP Handstand Push Up Scoring Guideline: • Excellent scores for both male and females are 60 repetitions or more for both movements • Good scores for both male and females are 45 repetitions or more for both movements • Poor scores for both male and females fall below 45 repetitions for both movements • General Scoring: To demonstrate structural balance between pulling and pressing individuals should look for similar counts for both movements to determine whether or not their pull vs press strength/strength endurance is balanced Score the total number of repetitions completed in both AMRAPs combined.
Chipper - Mixed Weighted Test
Instructions: • Complete the prescribed workload for each movement in the circuit "For Time" • Use short efficient rest periods as needed to break up larger work sets RX: For Time; At Sustained Effort 30 Deadlift; 225/135 lb 60m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (80 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 30 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb 120m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (160 Steps); 70/50 lb Scaled: For Time; At Sustained Effort 30 Deadlift; 185/95 lb 60m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (80 Steps); 35/20 lb per Hand 30 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 35/20 lb 120m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (160 Steps); 50/30 lb Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative movement if you do not have the required space for a Walking Lunge • Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunge Scoring Guideline: • Excellent Scores for both Men and Women will fall between 13:00-15:00 minutes • Good Scores for both Men and Women will fall between 15:00-18:00 minutes • Poor Scores forth Men and Women are 19:00 minutes or longer Score the time it takes to complete the Chipper - Note RX/Scaled.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Jump Lunges/Side 15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 5 Burpee 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Prior to any Max Effort Lifts perform 1-3 Warm Up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.
Front Squat
1 x 1
Strict Overhead Press
1 x 1
18:00 Minute AMRAP
Instructions: • Complete as many repetitions as possible in 18:00 minutes • Choose the RX/Scaled version based on your own ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP 15 Box Jump Over; 24"/20" 12 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 50/30 lb per Hand 9 Toes to Bar Scaled: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP 15 Box Jump Over; 24"/20" 12 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 35/20 lb per Hand 9 Toes to Bar or V-Up Scoring Guideline: • Excellent scores begin at 14 Rounds or more (504+ Reps) • Good scores range from 12 to 14 Rounds completed (432-504 Reps) • Poor scores are any finishes under 12 rounds (432 or Less Reps) Score the number of repetitions completed in 18:00 minutes.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Hamstring March (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Bear Crawl (10 Steps Forward/10 Steps Backward) 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace + Prior to any Max Effort Lifts perform 1-3 Warm Up sets to build up to a weight you feel comfortable starting your Max Effort build at.
Power Snatch
1 x 1
Strength Battery - Mixed Weighted Test #1
Instructions: • Complete as many Power Clean repetitions as possible in each individual set of the AMRAP • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 3:00/1:30 x 3 Sets; For Max Repetitions 15m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 15m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); 70/50 lb per Hand AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 185/95 lb RX+: 3:00/1:30 x 3 Sets; For Max Repetitions 15m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 15m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); 70/50 lb per Hand AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 225/115 lb Scaled: 3:00/1:30 x 3 Sets; For Max Repetitions 15m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 35/50 lb per Hand 15m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 135/75 lb Alternative Movement Option: 3:00/1:30 x 3 Sets; For Max Repetitions 15m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand 15m Sandbag Carry (20 Steps); 150/100 lb AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 185/95 lb Scoring Guideline: • Excellent Scores for men will fall between 7-10 repetitions/set and for women between 10-12 repetitions/set • Good Scores for men fall between 5-8 repetitions/set and for women between 7-10 repetitions/set • Poor Scores for men fall between 1-5 repetitions/set and for women between 5-7 repetitions Score the total number of Power Clean repetitions completed in all 3 sets combined.
Anaerobic Capacity Test
Instructions: • Complete the prescribed workload for the triplet as listed "For Time". For Time; 500m Row 400m Run 35/28 Calories Airbike Scoring Guidelines: • Excellent scores for males will be 6:00 minutes or less and for females, 7:00 minutes or less • Good scores for males fall between 6:00-7:00 minutes and for females between 7:00-8:00 minutes • Poor scores for males are 7:00 minutes or longer and for females 8:00 minutes or longer Score the time it takes to complete the triplet.
Owner - TrainRx Performance Programming: Certified Functional Strength & Conditioning Coach with 10 years experience training/coaching on and off the gym floor.
The results you see from your training are a direct reflection of my ability as a coach and trainer. I take writing this program very seriously, and will always go above and beyond to provide you with the best possible training I can provide.
Get HybridRx - CrossFit Strength & Conditioning