International Youth Conditioning Association

Soccer, Speed, Strength & Conditioning
Jim Kielbaso

3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Soccer Strength Program: Week 1 Day 1


Push Ups

1 x 10


Dumbbell Single Leg Squat

1 x 10


Inverted Row

1 x 10


Single Leg Glute Bridge

1 x 10



1 x 0:30


Side Plank

1 x 0:30

Soccer Speed Program Week 1 Day 1



Warm Up Routine 1 – 2 minute rest between all sets – be fresh for every rep, focus on technique and running fast Watch videos on acceleration and pro-shuttle technique 5 x 10 yards - Tall & Fall (focus on technique – forward lean, knees high, drive through ball of foot) 5 x 10 yards - Standing Starts 5 x 10 yards (focus on technique) 5 x 10 yards - Starts from 40 Stance (focus on technique) 5 x 40-yards 4 x 20-yard Pro-Shuttles each way 2 x 6 – Backward & Forward Zig-Zag Series – see video 1 x 300-yard shuttle Flexibility Routine – Perform the stretches in the video. Hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

Soccer Speed Program Week 1 Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up


Warm Up Routine 2 minute rest between all sets 6 x 10 yards – 2 warm-ups, 4 all out 4 x 20-yard Pro-Shuttles each way 2 x 10 Ankle Flips (see video) Line Hop Series- Draw a cross on the ground and number the spaces 1,2,3,4. Staying in a low, athletic position, jump as quickly as possible through the patterns outlined below. Attempt to stay in an athletic position, with the upper body staying still. Nothing moves except your feet underneath you. Perform all patterns for two sets of 10 seconds each with a break between each set. One the one-leg version, perform the set on one leg, rest and repeat on the other leg. Both Legs: 1-2, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4 One Leg: 1-2, 1-4, 1-3, 2-4 3 x 10 – 1-leg 6” Box Jumps (see video) 3 x 5 – Squat Jumps (see video) 5 x 3 – 2-leg Frog Hops - Starting on both feet, jump forward as far as you can, landing softly on both feet. Repeat for the specified number of reps without stopping on each landing. Stay on the ground the shortest amount of time possible. 3 x 3 – 1-leg Frog Hops - Same as Frog Hops, but on one leg at a time. Jump Sprint Series Place two cones approximately five (5) yards apart (you can also use lines on the ground). Get in an athletic position, facing one cone with the other cone directly to your side. On command, do the following: #1: Sprint to one cone, stop quickly and turn to face the cone in an athletic position. Hold that position, and repeat on command. #2: Same as #1, but start each rep with a vertical jump, land, and go. #3: Jump and shuffle to each cone. #4: Jump and cross-over run to each cone Flexibility Routine

Soccer Strength Program: Week 1 Day 2


Dumbbell Chest Press

1 x 10


Lateral Lunge

1 x 10


Underhand Grip Pulldown

1 x 10



1 x 10


Dumbbell Curl and Press

1 x 10


Band Anti-Rotation

1 x 10

Soccer Speed Program Week 1 Day 3



Warm Up Routine 1 – 2 minute rest on all sets 5 x 10 yards – Tall & Fall 5 x 10 yards – Starts from stance 5 x 100 yards Up-Back Series – see video 2 x 200 yards 2 x 400 yards (3 minutes rest between reps) 4 x 40 yards – backpedal as fast as possible 10 minute easy run Strength & Power Program

coach-avatar Jim Kielbaso

Jim Kielbaso is the President of the IYCA. He is a former college strength coach, Director of a private training facility, author and speaker. With over 20 years in the profession, he has trained thousands of athletes at all levels of competition.

Soccer Strength, Speed, and Conditioning Program