10-Week Contract

Cory Schlesinger

Basketball, Multi-sport
Cory Schlesinger

Get ready to elevate your game with our 10-week training program tailored for aspiring basketball stars.

This intensive regimen is your ticket to reaching new heights this off-season.

With 5 weekly sessions, we'll get you ready to dominate on the court.

The first two weeks, "Wake-Up Call," kickstart your journey, focusing on building muscle, strength, and priming your tendons for what's to come.

From weeks 3 to 6, each day targets specific force directions: Vertical, Lateral, and Linear, honing your skills for explosive jumps, lightning-fast cuts, and blazing speed. Plus, two days fortify your body's resilience and capacity, ensuring you're game-ready.

In the final stretch, weeks 7 to 10, we transition to basketball-specific drills, refining your on-court performance with tailored exercises aimed at enhancing your shooting, dribbling, and defensive prowess.

With 50 workouts in total, including 3 dedicated to Vertical, COD, and Speed, and 2 focused on Resiliency and Capacity, this program isn't for the faint-hearted—it's for those hungry for success and ready to dominate.

Are you prepared to soar above the competition?

Jump Higher
Through specialized drills and exercises, we'll help you develop lightning-quick reflexes, unmatched agility, and the ability to elevate your game with jaw-dropping vertical leaps.
Outmuscle your Opponents
We dedicate 2 days of the week to building body armor and capacity. We'll help you develop the strength, power, and endurance necessary to outmuscle your opponents, grab rebounds with authority, and maintain peak performance throughout the game.
Become Unstoppable
Our 10-week program is not for the faint of heart. It's for those who are hungry for success and willing to put in the work to achieve it. Join us and become the unstoppable force that dominates the game. Are you ready to rise above the competition?
Programming 5 days per week
With 5 sessions per week, you'll have the opportunity to fine-tune your skills and elevate your performance to new heights.
Demo Videos
I've created demos of each movement, skill, and drill, so that you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond the sets and reps, you'll get every detail you need to execute the program, perfectly.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so that you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Conventional Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 10-week program
Week 1 Day 1



Ground Series

Perform a total of 10 Reps of each exercise: Scorpions Iron Cross Groiner Roll Over V-Sit Table Top 1 Table Top 2 1-Arm Table Top 90/90 NHGU Pistl Fall Skater Squat Slow, Smooth, and exaggerate ranges.



Animal Series

20 yards EA exercise Slow, Smooth, “Quiet” Movements is what we are looking for. Soft Hands/Feet. FEEL connection between hands to feet through trunk.



Armor Building Circuit 1

4 Rounds: 10 Reps each Slow Tempo Cycle Squats x10 Hand Elev Push-Ups x10 TRX Row (Foot Elev) x 10 Back Extension x10 Take as much rest as you need between Rounds.



Extensive PLYO Series 1

5 Rounds These Plyo’s are meant to be done at SUB-MAX (60-75% Effort). Rhythm and Coordination is the biggest emphasis, but as the sets go see if you can push more intensity, but do not sacrifice technique! 2 Finger Ankling x20 (Total) Elev Plyo Push-Up x8 Deep Lunge Pops x15 EA In-Step Ice Skater x6 EA Finger Touch Euro’s x 6 EA Take as much time as you need between rounds!

Week 1 Day 2



Ground Series

Perform a total of 10 Reps of each exercise: Scorpions Iron Cross Groiner Roll oVer V-Sit Table Top 1 Table Top 2 1-Arm Table Top 90/90 NHGU Pistl Fall Skater Squat Slow, Smooth, and exaggerate ranges.



Extensive Local ISO Series

2x30 SEC ISO Holds in each of these local areas. Adductor ISO Deep Dip ISO Hang ISO Japanese Plank SL Leg Extension ISO F/A ISO Pos 2



MB Spinal Hygiene

The Spinal Hygiene Series is designed to work your spine through every range and plane as possible. Focus on articulating through your spine and slither each segment like a snake. Perform each exercise 1x20 (20 Total/ 10 EA Side) Big Circles Wood Chops Halo’s Split Tic Tocs SLRDL Extreme Lunge into Reach Drop Lunge with Lateral Punch 45 Degree Twist Alternating Sit-Ups Ceiling Sit-Up Wipers



Armor Capacity AMRAP 1

Armor Capacity AMRAP: 20 MIn 20 Yards Complete as many QUALITY rounds as you can -Sled Push 20 Yards (Down/Back) -Farmer Carry (Half BWl) -Renegade Push-Up (1/4 BW DB’s) -Zercher Duck Walk (BW) ***If pain do Walking Lunge

Week 1 Day 3



Ground Series

Perform a total of 10 Reps of each exercise: Scorpions Iron Cross Groiner Roll oVer V-Sit Table Top 1 Table Top 2 1-Arm Table Top 90/90 NHGU Pistl Fall Skater Squat Slow, Smooth, and exaggerate ranges.



Animal Series

20 yards EA exercise: Lateral Bear Crawl Chimp Climb Duck Walk Lateral Kong Spider Crawl Lateral Baby Crawl Bear Crawl Backward Bear Crawl Slow, Smooth, “Quiet” Movements is what we are looking for. Soft Hands/Feet. FEEL connection between hands to feet through trunk.



Armor Building Circuit 3

Armor Building Circuit 4 Rounds : Rear Foot Elev Split Squat (L Hold) (Slow) x8 EA DB Z Press (Slow) x8 Nordics (Slow) x8 2 Finger Calf Raise x10 EA NG Chins x30 (3 Sec Negative) Do as many QUALITY reps as you can and then go back to the beginning. The series is not over until you get to x30 TOTAL Chins! Slow Tempo. Take as much rest as you need between Rounds and the circuit does not end till x30 Chins are completed.



Extensive PLYO Series 2

4 Rounds: Deep Lunge Pops x15 EA Lateral Bounds x8 EA Assist Step Ice Skater x4 EA Inverted Plyo Rows x10

Week 1 Day 4



Ground Series

Perform a total of 10 Reps of each exercise: Iron Cross Groiner Roll oVer V-Sit Table Top 1 Table Top 2 1-Arm Table Top 90/90 NHGU Pistl Fall Skater Squat Scorpions Slow, Smooth, and exaggerate ranges.



Global Extensive ISO Series

Global ISO Series is about MAXIMALLY loading the body. This is a bit different from the “Local ISO Series”, which is why there are only 4 exercises. The goal is to get to 30 seconds, but the reality is that you may have to build up to truly getting 30 seconds. Do not be discouraged, but keep safely challenging yourself. 2 Rounds Smith Machine POS 1 1-Arm Hang (use band if necessary or place feet on ground to deload your BW). Smith machine Split Squat (you can use a barbell or DB’s if needed) Back Extension ISO (make sure it’s more hamstring/glutes than low back) Deep Dip ISO



MB Spinal Hygiene

The Spinal Hygiene Series is designed to work your spine through every range and plane as possible. Focus on articulating through your spine and slither each segment like a snake. Perform each exercise 1x20 (20 Total/ 10 EA Side) Big Circles Wood Chops Halo’s Split Tic Tocs SLRDL Extreme Lunge into Reach Drop Lunge with Lateral Punch 45 Degree Twist Alternating Sit-Ups Ceiling Sit-Up Wipers



Armor Capacity AMRAP 2

Armor Capacity AMRAP: 20 MIn 20 Yards Complete as many QUALITY rounds as you can -Lateral Sled Drag 20 Yards (Left/Right) -Zercher Carry (Half BW) (20 Yards) -Elev 1-Arm Push-Up x5ea -KB Swing x10 (1/4 BW)

Week 1 Day 5



Ground Series

Perform a total of 10 Reps of each exercise: Iron Cross Groiner Roll Over V-Sit Table Top 1 Table Top 2 1-Arm Table Top 90/90 NHGU Pistl Fall Skater Squat Scorpions Slow, Smooth, and exaggerate ranges.



Animal Series

20 yards EA exercise: Lateral Bear Crawl Chimp Climb Duck Walk Lateral Kong Spider Crawl Lateral Baby Crawl Bear Crawl Backward Bear Crawl Slow, Smooth, “Quiet” Movements is what we are looking for. Soft Hands/Feet. FEEL connection between hands to feet through trunk.



Armor Building Circuit 2

Armor Building Circuit B 5 Rounds : DB RDLS x10 Incline DB Bench x10 Barbell Reverse Lunges x8 EA Canister Pull-Ups x8 We want to challenge ROM and QUALITY of reps. This is building towards our next phase! Take as much rest as you need between Rounds.



Intensive PLYO Conditioning 1

This PLYO Conditioning series can be DANGEROUS. Please follow the directions below to ensure safety. 4 Rounds: Perform each exercise with complete freshness between exercises. There is NO RUSH! Ankling x20 Toe Bounds x10 SL Tuck Jump x5 EA Depth Drop (Deep Landing) x5 FULL REST between Rounds. As the you build into each exercise increase intensity through RHYTHM and Coordination.

coach-avatar Cory Schlesinger

Cory is a world-class sport performance coach. He's served as a Director of Performance for over 10 years at the highest level of college athletics and the NBA. Cory has revolutionized In-Season Training for Team Sports athletes, creating methods that are being adopted, practiced, and researched around the world today.

Ready to Elevate Your Game?

You're 10 Weeks Away!

Get 10-Week Contract
Can you break down the program for me?
10 Weeks. 50 Total Workouts. 5 Workout Per Week. 3 Designed on Vertical, COD, and Speed. 2 Designed for Resiliency, Durability, Capacity.
Weeks 1-2: Accumulating Volume and Preparing Tendons
During this phase, the focus is on building muscle mass and strength through strategic bodybuilding exercises.. The training volume gradually increases over the two weeks to allow the body to adapt to the workload.
Weeks 3-6: Theming Days Based on Direction of Force
In this phase, the training days are themed based on the direction of force application to enhance specific aspects of performance. You'll find a Vertical Force Day, Lateral Force Day, Linear Force Day, Body Armor and Capacity Days.
Weeks 7-10: Transfer to Hoops
The focus of this phase is to transfer the strength and power built in the previous weeks to basketball-specific movements. Exercises and drills are designed to mimic on-court demands and improve performance in game situations.
What about my nutrition?
Throughout the program, it is important to maintain proper nutrition, rest, and recovery to support the training adaptations and optimize performance. Regular assessments and adjustments may be made to ensure progress and address individual needs.
10-Week Contract