Upper Body Warm-up
1 set of: SMR Pecs, Lats, Triceps, 2-3 min. Modified Scorpion Pec Stretch, 5 reps per side, last rep hold for 5 deep breaths Floor DB Int/Ext Rotation, 10 reps Y-Handcuffs, 10 reps Scap Push-ups, 10 reps
Chest Supported DB Rows with Pause
3 x 8
Prone DB Posterior Flyes
3 x 12
Dumbbell Shrugs
3 x 12
Barbell Floor Press
4 x 6
Flat Dumbbell Bench
2 x MAX
Spider Curls
3 x 12
Low Incline DB Tricep Kickbacks
3 x 12
Lower Body Warm-up
1 set of: SMR Glutes, Hamstrings, IT Band, Adductors, 2-3 min. 90/90 Hip Switches, 5 reps/way Tactical Frog w/ OH Reach, 5-10 reps (with deep breaths) Goblet Squats w/ Prying, 5 reps with 5 sec. Prying Bent-Knee Copenhagen Hip Lift, 20 sec. each side
Single-Leg Multi-Directional Plate Hops
2 x 10
DB Squat Jumps (PLYOS)
4 x 3
Hand-Supported Curtsy Step-Up
3 x 10
DB Romanian Deadlifts (RDL's)
3 x 10
Standing Calf Raises
3 x 12
Hanging Leg Lifts
3 x 10
Plate Wrist Curls (GRIP)
2 x 20
*Choose one of the following 5 options. (You can also take the day completely off, if needed.) OPTION 1 10 min. walk after every meal. OPTION 2 Kettlebell or dumbbell mile. Walk a set of kb's or db's for 1 mile. Use 10% of bodyweight (BW) in each hand. OPTION 3 Bodyweight lunge 100 yards and then perform lower body stretching or lower body warm-up. (Add weight, if possible) OPTION 4 Zone 2 Cardio Keep heart rate b/t 120-150bpm for 30-90 minutes. You can choose a "steady state" activity (example: incline walking on a treadmill) OR you can perform your Zone 2 cardio in "interval fashion" (example: tempo runs or sled pushing/dragging w/ active recovery between sets). *If you are over 35, we recommend keeping your heart rate on the lower end of the recommendation (b/t 120-130bpm). For those under 35, you can keep your heart rate closer to the end-range of the recommendation (b/t 135-150bpm). NOTE: This type of cardio can be done 3-5 days a week (if you're looking to improve your cardiac output) without any negative effects on your strength training efforts. In fact, it may actually improve your ability to build muscle and strength by aiding in the recovery process, increasing blood flow to your muscles, etc.) OPTION 5 HIIT Intervals Perform an ALL-OUT effort of 10 seconds, followed by 50 seconds of active recovery. Repeat for 8-12 rounds. (Example: Assault Bike x 10sec ALL-OUT "SPRINT", followed by 50 seconds of light cycling) Other recovery strategies you could use during your "off day," include walking, stretching, cold water submersion (2-3 min. @40-55F), infrared sauna (for 20 min. @ +140F), deep breathing practice (box breathing). OPTION 6 Drag sled (with light load) for 30 minutes using nasal-only breathing OPTION 7 Perform the upper body warm-up, the lower body warm-up, or both! OPTION 8 Battle Ropes Tabata, 20 sec. WORK, 10 sec. REST x Repeat 8X OPTION 9 Infrared sauna x 30 min. session, a 3 min. cold water emersion, or a combination of both. Option 10 Jump rope x 15-20 min.
MOBILITYWOD - Unlock Your Ankles
1. Lacrosse Ball on Bottom of Feet, 60-120 sec./foot 2. Weighted Calf Stretch, 30 sec. straight leg, 30 sec. bent leg 3. Half-Kneeling Ankle Mobility, 10 reps/ankle 4. Balancing Toe Touches, 10 reps/leg
Upper Body Warm-up
1 set of: SMR Pecs, Lats, Triceps, 2-3 min. Modified Scorpion Pec Stretch, 5 reps per side, last rep hold for 5 deep breaths Floor DB Int/Ext Rotation, 10 reps Y-Handcuffs, 10 reps Scap Push-ups, 10 reps
Lat Pull Downs
3 x 8
Prone Scarecrow Press
3 x 12
Chest Supported Lateral Raise (In Scapular Plane)
3 x 12
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press
4 x 12
1 x MAX @ 4:00
Reverse Zottman Curls
3 x 10
Tricep Push Downs
3 x 12
DB Wrist Extensions (GRIP)
3 x 20
Lower Body Warm-up
1 set of: SMR Glutes, Hamstrings, IT Band, Adductors, 2-3 min. 90/90 Hip Switches, 5 reps/way Tactical Frog w/ OH Reach, 5-10 reps (with deep breaths) Goblet Squats w/ Prying, 5 reps with 5 sec. Prying Bent-Knee Copenhagen Hip Lift, 20 sec. each side
Band-Assisted Jumps (PLYOS)
5 x 3
Single-Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts
3 x 12
Goblet Cossack Squats
3 x 12
Deadlift Variations
4 x 5
Dumbbell Goblet Squats
1 x 1
OLD SCHOOL AUDINWOOD AB CIRCUIT 1. Crunches, 20 reps 2. Leg Lifts (Short ROM), 20 reps 3. Same Side Oblique Crunches (Right Side), 20 reps 4. Same Side Oblique Crunches (Left Side), 20 reps 5. Toe Touches, 20 reps 6. Flutter Kicks (Left + Right = 1 rep), 20 reps 7. Side-Lying Oblique Crunches (Right Side), 20 reps 8. Side-Lying Oblique Crunches (Left Side), 20 reps 9. Leg Lifts with Reverse Crunch, 20 reps 10. V-sits, 20 reps 11. Side Plank (Left Side), 20 sec. 12. Side Plank (Right Side), 20 sec.
*Choose one of the following 5 options. (You can also take the day completely off, if needed.) OPTION 1 10 min. walk after every meal. OPTION 2 Kettlebell or dumbbell mile. Walk a set of kb's or db's for 1 mile. Use 10% of bodyweight (BW) in each hand. OPTION 3 Bodyweight lunge 100 yards and then perform lower body stretching or lower body warm-up. (Add weight, if possible) OPTION 4 Zone 2 Cardio Keep heart rate b/t 120-150bpm for 30-90 minutes. You can choose a "steady state" activity (example: incline walking on a treadmill) OR you can perform your Zone 2 cardio in "interval fashion" (example: tempo runs or sled pushing/dragging w/ active recovery between sets). *If you are over 35, we recommend keeping your heart rate on the lower end of the recommendation (b/t 120-130bpm). For those under 35, you can keep your heart rate closer to the end-range of the recommendation (b/t 135-150bpm). NOTE: This type of cardio can be done 3-5 days a week (if you're looking to improve your cardiac output) without any negative effects on your strength training efforts. In fact, it may actually improve your ability to build muscle and strength by aiding in the recovery process, increasing blood flow to your muscles, etc.) OPTION 5 HIIT Intervals Perform an ALL-OUT effort of 10 seconds, followed by 50 seconds of active recovery. Repeat for 8-12 rounds. (Example: Assault Bike x 10sec ALL-OUT "SPRINT", followed by 50 seconds of light cycling) Other recovery strategies you could use during your "off day," include walking, stretching, cold water submersion (2-3 min. @40-55F), infrared sauna (for 20 min. @ +140F), deep breathing practice (box breathing). OPTION 6 Drag sled (with light load) for 30 minutes using nasal-only breathing OPTION 7 Perform the upper body warm-up, the lower body warm-up, or both! OPTION 8 Battle Ropes Tabata, 20 sec. WORK, 10 sec. REST x Repeat 8X OPTION 9 Infrared sauna x 30 min. session, a 3 min. cold water emersion, or a combination of both. Option 10 Jump rope x 15-20 min.
MOBILITYWOD - Low Back Relief
1. Hip External Rotator Stretch, 1 min./leg 2. Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor Stretch, 1 min./leg 3. Adductor Rockers, 20 reps/leg 4. Lateral Lean QL Stretch, 1 min./side 5. Glute Bridge (with Intention), 20 rep;s 6. RKC Plank (with forceful exhales), 3 reps x 10 sec.
*Choose one of the following 5 options. (You can also take the day completely off, if needed.) OPTION 1 10 min. walk after every meal. OPTION 2 Kettlebell or dumbbell mile. Walk a set of kb's or db's for 1 mile. Use 10% of bodyweight (BW) in each hand. OPTION 3 Bodyweight lunge 100 yards and then perform lower body stretching or lower body warm-up. (Add weight, if possible) OPTION 4 Zone 2 Cardio Keep heart rate b/t 120-150bpm for 30-90 minutes. You can choose a "steady state" activity (example: incline walking on a treadmill) OR you can perform your Zone 2 cardio in "interval fashion" (example: tempo runs or sled pushing/dragging w/ active recovery between sets). *If you are over 35, we recommend keeping your heart rate on the lower end of the recommendation (b/t 120-130bpm). For those under 35, you can keep your heart rate closer to the end-range of the recommendation (b/t 135-150bpm). NOTE: This type of cardio can be done 3-5 days a week (if you're looking to improve your cardiac output) without any negative effects on your strength training efforts. In fact, it may actually improve your ability to build muscle and strength by aiding in the recovery process, increasing blood flow to your muscles, etc.) OPTION 5 HIIT Intervals Perform an ALL-OUT effort of 10 seconds, followed by 50 seconds of active recovery. Repeat for 8-12 rounds. (Example: Assault Bike x 10sec ALL-OUT "SPRINT", followed by 50 seconds of light cycling) Other recovery strategies you could use during your "off day," include walking, stretching, cold water submersion (2-3 min. @40-55F), infrared sauna (for 20 min. @ +140F), deep breathing practice (box breathing). OPTION 6 Drag sled (with light load) for 30 minutes using nasal-only breathing OPTION 7 Perform the upper body warm-up, the lower body warm-up, or both! OPTION 8 Battle Ropes Tabata, 20 sec. WORK, 10 sec. REST x Repeat 8X OPTION 9 Infrared sauna x 30 min. session, a 3 min. cold water emersion, or a combination of both. Option 10 Jump rope x 15-20 min.
MOBILITYWOD - Fire Up the Upper Back
1. Prone Dowel Rod Press, 20 reps 2. Prone Y, W, T, Surfboard, 3 rounds x 5 sec. at each position 3. Face Pulls into Y-Press, 20 reps 4. Side-Lying Windmills with Intentional Breath, 10 reps/side