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Brazen Fitness

General Fitness, Women's Training
Leah Barto

Brazen Fitness is a fitness program tailored for busy moms and women on the go who want to feel stronger, more confident and capable in their daily lives. With just four efficient training sessions a week, The Brazen Fitness program focuses on training that supports the nervous system, helping you build strength, feel fit and take on life's challenges with confidence all without spending hours in the gym.

Look Sexy
Cultivating your ideal physical self requires moving weight, breathing hard and breaking a sweat. We embrace that here, mama. Each workout is created with your best physical self in mind and each workouts execution gets you one step closer to it.
Feel Resilient
Multi-joint, compound exercises. Balanced strength training. Intelligently progressed conditioning. Adequate recovery. All proponents of a program built to have you feeling strong, healthy and capable to take on whatever life throws at you.
Live With Confidence
Doubting your abilities in your day to day, around your kiddos, and with your family is a death sentence to your mind and your body. Living a life of absolute confidence takes putting in the work to earn that belief. That work happens here. Full disclaimer, consistent execution of the Brazen Fitness program may lead moms to feeling unbreakable, invincable and indestructible.
Access to the Brazen Fitness Community
Community support and engagement from like-minded women to support you on your self development journey.
Programming 4 days per week
Training sessions include: Breath Work, Progressive Strength Training, Gymnastics Strength/Skill Work, Balanced Conditioning/Fitness, Down Regulation
Instructionals and Video Guidance
Movement videos specific to the index within the program to provide you help, guidance and value, regardless your training experience.
Access to Coach Leah
Relatability, leadership support, and accountability from someone in the trenches with you.
Like-Minded Teammates
Engage with other women apart of the Brazen Fitness community who care about supporting each other as much as they care about supporthing themselves.
B-Fitness via the TrainHeroic App
Your ideal training plan at the access of your fingertips, delivered from an easy to use app from the comforts of wherever you're at.
2 sets of Dumbbells (Moderate set & heavier set) // Box OR Bench
Kettlebell (or Kettle Gryp) // Bar + Bumper Plates // Resistance Bands // Jump Rope // Rower/Bike // Pull Up Bar // Rings TRX Straps
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready

Warm Up


2 Rounds for quality 10 Alt. Deadbugs 10 Calf Raises 10 Tibialis Raises 10 Russian Baby Makers



15-18 min of Strength work: Weighted Squat x 10 Inverted Row x 10-12 *Rest :60-:90 sec. as needed between sets Intent: Start light and build your way up to a 7/10 in about 2-3 sets, resting only the amount of time it takes you to adjust weight and go. Once at a 7/10, try to do 2-3 sets AROUND that weight whether you're staying there or making micro jumps (think 2-10lbs max) for maximal results. Totally fine if you stay at the intensity once you build to it and DON'T build as long as it's around the 7/10 of difficulty for you! Once you have done your first WORKING set, meaning your weight feels like a 7/10, then superset with the inverted rows. Rest the 60-90 between those most challenging sets. Take the additional 3 min from 15 to 18 IF NEEDED for that extra "oomph" set. Weighted squats: Choose whichever option you did in prior weeks. (Barbell front/back squat, dumbbell front loaded, goblet squat, see videos for examples). Slower down than up tempo. This week we have 2 less reps than last, so aim for at least one to two of your working sets to be slightly up from the previous week, but should still feel like a 7/10 scale for the 10 total reps. Inverted rows: Shoot for the later end of the rep scheme but if you need to fall back to 10, still a great set! More horizontal is more challenging than more vertical, so try to get more horizontal as we decrease reps! L2: Feet elevated on a box (completely horizontal) *If you do not have a set up to row, choose the towel option OR sub bent over row. (see video).



Move for 10 Min.: 7 Push-Ups 7 Suitcase Deadlifts (L) 7 1-arm Swings (L) 7 Push-Ups 7 Suitcase Deadlifts (R) 7 1-arm Swings (R) Intent: Push the pace on this one and try to only rest between movements vs during movements. This is the day to push your "threshhold" pace, meaning you want to get out of your comfort zone and take a pace you may not believe you can hold for the entirety of the piece. If you have to sit down/lay down to rest after this one, you approached this well! Use intensities and options that will afford for this approach. Push-Ups: Choose an easier option off the bat so that you can maintain quick and unbroken sets through later rounds. Swings and Deadlifts: Ideally you use the same weight for both of these movements. This is a good one to challenge yourself on to stay un

Accessory/Down Regulation


5 minutes of Exhale hold work: Exhale a full breath for as long as you can go, then breathe normally for 1 min through the nose Goal/Intensity: We want to extend our exhale for as long as possible! This means letting your air out slowly either through your nose or through pursed lips. Personally, I like to do a light hum which helps me extend longer! A Standard time for everyone to shoot/ work towards is a :60 exhale. This is a hard accomplishment for some, thats ok, the idea here is to help build your CO2 tolerence and build up to a :60 exhale eventually. Areas of focus: Spend 1 minute nasal breathing and down regulating. Take in one deep/full breath after your minute of nasal breathing and then exhale as slowly as possible, ideally through the nose. Repeat 2-3 times.


Warm Up


2 Rounds for quality 10 Alt Bird Dog 10/side Hip Abducted Rock Backs 12 Death March (total) 10 Glute Bridges



15-18 min of Strength work: Deadlift x 10 Seated DB Press x 10-12 *Rest :60-:90 sec. as needed between sets Intent: Start light and build your way up to a 7/10 in about 2-3 sets, resting only the amount of time it takes you to adjust weight and go. Once at a 7/10, try to do 2-3 sets AROUND that weight whether you're staying there or making micro jumps (think 2-10lbs max) for maximal results. Totally fine if you stay at the intensity once you build to it and DON'T build as long as it's around the 7/10 of difficutly for you! One you begin your working sets (7/10 scale) THEN superset the DB Press for those 2-3 working sets. Rest the 60-90 between those most challenging sets. Take the additional 3 min from 15 to 18 IF NEEDED for that extra "oomph" set. Deadlift: Choose whichever option you in previous weeks. (Barbell DL, Double DB DL, KB DL, or Suitcase DL). Slower down than up tempo. This week we have 2 less reps than last week, so aim for at least one to two of your working sets to be slightly up from the previous week, but should still feel like a 7/10 scale for the 10 total reps. Seated DB Press: This is higher reps so weight may start out lighter than you think but end up just right. Ideally you feel like the last 2-3 reps are TOUGH. If you don't have 2 of the same weight, do 1-arm seated DB press on each side. Goal is matching last week or improving at least 1 set to either more reps OR a higher loading. Weight should feel like 7/10 scale difficulty but 5 reps less than week 1 so we want to be upping weight if possible!



Cycle Through for 3 Min. (11 min.) 5 Strict Burpees 10 Alt. DB Cleans (5/side) 10 Curtsy Lunges Rest for :60 at the end of 3 min. x 3 total sets Intent: Aim for a pace that allows for continuous movement for the whole 3 minutes of work. 1 min. of rest should be JUST enough to start off strong again but your pace may fall off a bit over the course of the 3 sets. Strict Burpees: Goal is a good quality push up here. Elevate as needed or use your knees. DB Cleans: These are from the ground but if that's too much you can go from the hang position (knees). Alternate hands each rep OR do 5/side.

Accessory/Down Regulation


10/side Sciatic Nerve Floss 1 min. Happy Baby


Warm Up


2 Rounds For Quality: 10 Alt. Groiners 10 Alt. Reverse Lunges 10 Scauplar Push Ups



4 sets of Strength work (15 min): Split squat x 10/side 1-arm high pulls x 10-12/side *Rest :60-:90 sec. as needed between sets Intent: Start light and build your way up to a 7/10 in about 2-3 sets, resting only the amount of time it takes you to adjust weight and go. Once at a 7/10, try to do 2-3 sets AROUND that weight whether you're staying there or making micro jumps (think 2-10lbs max) for maximal results. Totally fine if you stay at the intensity once you build to it and DON'T build as long as it's around the 7/10 of difficutly for you! Rest the 60-90 between those most challenging sets. Split squat: Start with feet in squat base and slide one back into a lunge positon. Be sure that when you lower your back knee to the floor, both legs are at a 90* angle. Choose same style of loading that you did in the previous week. This week we have 2 less reps than last week, so aim for at least one to two of your working sets to be slightly up from the previous week, but should still feel like a 7/10 scale for the 10 total reps. 1-arm high pulls: Drive the elbow up and back and only as high as you can keep the elbow above the wrist. Lower with control and always slower down than up tempo. This is not a "how heavy can I lift" type movement, so keep your loading to a bell that allows you to control the rep and keep that elbow above the wrist. For many this will be ~10-15#.



Every min for 12 min (4 sets/each): Min 1: 8-12 Bent Over Rows Min 2: :14 Alt. DB Snatches Min 3: :10-:15 sec.1-arm Plank Intent: Accomplish the work as quickly and as excellently as you can move well to earn as much rest on that minute as possible. Do not exceed about 40 seconds worth of work on the Burpee+snatch. If you do, drop back to 3/side or 6 total reps. Bent Over Rows: Barbell or Dumbbell options here. Weight should feel tough, so build as you go to find the right load. If it's a little lighter do all 12 reps, if you build heavier and can only get 8 that's perfect as well. Slower down than up, really squeeze the weights back at the top of the rep. Focus on staying hinged forward. If you have a cable machine or bands you could also do seated rows. DB Snatch: These are from the floor but can be from the hang position (knees) as well. You can alternate for 14reps OR do 7/side. Weight should feel moderate, reps should stay unbroken. You can switch hands on the way down or reset on the floor each rep. If you are proficient at these you can push this into a sprint of up to 20 reos but know that you'll only have about :10-:15 sec. of rest before your next minute. 1-arm Plank: Lots of core stability here. If this is too tough or you need to scale, do a :30 second tall plank.

Accessory/Down Regulation


2-3 minutes of Prone breathing with a 5-10# weight on back Prone breathing: Laying face down, as you breathe in you should feel your stomach press against the floor and your lower back rise as your sides expand as well. We are working on breathing mechanics here and trying to get 360 degrees of circumferential expansion with our diaphragm.


Warm Up


2 Rounds For Quality: 8/side Single Leg Deadlifts 10 Side Lunges 5 Inch Worm Walk Outs



4 sets of Strength work (15 min): Kickstand RDL x 10/side Weighted floor press x 10-12 *Rest :60-:90 sec. as needed between sets Intent: Start light and build your way up to a 7/10 in about 2-3 sets, resting only the amount of time it takes you to adjust weight and go. Once at a 7/10, try to do 2-3 sets AROUND that weight whether you're staying there or making micro jumps (think 2-10lbs max) for maximal results. Totally fine if you stay at the intensity once you build to it and DON'T build as long as it's around the 7/10 of difficutly for you! Rest the 60-90 between those most challenging sets. Aim to increase weight on each movement this week, even if it's just 2.5-5#! Kickstand RDL: Big glute emphasis on these, isolating that front leg glute. Think about shifting 80-90% of weight on the front leg, soften knee, and hinge forward over the front leg, maintaining a neutral spine. If you can progress from the previous week, do so. Goal is increasing weight but maintaining a 7/10 difficulty. Weighted floor press: *If you have a bench or even a medicine ball/low box that you can rest your mid-back and bridge



3 rounds for completion (15 min): 400m row/run 20 Alt. Shoulder Taps 100ft Overhead Plate Walk Rest :30 following each round Intent: This is a task completion training piece, meaning the quicker you get through this, the quicker you're done! However, not at the expense of sloppy movement. Always move with intention and for quality but dial it up for this one and move with a sense of urgency. You should be finishing between the 10-15 min mark here today. Row/Run: this is about :90 seconds or less of steady movement. Not a leisurely pace but not a rushed pace, something sustainable. If running is not a good option, do :90 of box step ups/overs. OH Plate Walk: Shoulder and core stability while under fatigue. You can hold a single DB on each end overhead or a bumper plate. Challenge yourself so you have to focus on stability to move well with the weight overhead.

Accessory/Down Regulation


2-3 sets: 10 Elevated Heel Eccentrics with 3 second eccentric (lower down) -This is week 3 of these. Try adding load via a weight vest/back pack/ or dumbbells but priority is the 3 second tempo. If you can add weight you can drop down to 6-8 total reps. *You'll need to elevate your surface to get full range of motion. Pressing up on both feet, staying over the big toes, and slowly lowering 3 seconds down. These are GREAT for those of us with ankle restriction or those who may deal with plantar fasciitis pain.

coach-avatar Leah Barto

I am a mom, a wife, a doula, a 14-year gym owner (Behemoth Gym), a coach, a mentor and the Program Director for BIRTHFIT. I am passionate about supporting mothers through the ebbs and flows of life, meeting them where they’re at and helping them evolve their fitness and their lifestyles to align with the chapter of life that exists for them today.

Live Brazen.

Ready to level up? Start now 👇

Get Brazen Fitness Community
Who is Brazen Fitness for?
Women outside the immediate pregnancy and postpartum seasons who want a training program designed to get them feeling strong, capable, and empowered to take on life for years to come. BFit is a 4-day a week program created to help women build fitness around their lives and not the other way around.
How many training days are there each week?
4 days of training a week with probably the most detailed programming, notes and videos you've ever experienced to make certain you get the most out of each training session and nothing is left for interpretation.
What does a training session look like?
Programming is delivered through the TrainHeroic app on your mobile device. With 4 training days a week, each day will consist of breath work, progressive strength training, conditioning work and nervous system down regulation with detailed notes and videos for each movement adn component.
Will I get charged after the free 7 day trial?
Yes, upon the completion of the free trial week, you account will automatically be charged and billed monthly.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Email us at and we will take care of the cancellation for you.
What about refunds?
Due to the fact that we have a free trial period, we do not offer refunds. If you want to cancel for future months, email us at and we will cancel your subscription moving forward.
Is there a refund if I pay for a year up front?
If you cancel within the first 30 days of enrolling, we can offer you a 50% refund. Aside from that, we do not offer refunds. If anything comes up, please just email us at so that we can assist you where you may need it.
What equipment will I need to start this program?
All you need to taking on this program is a box and/or bench as well as either a barbell with bumper plates OR a couple sets of dumbbells or kettlebells (ideally, one lighter and one heavier). There are other items that could be helpful to have, but are not necessary.
Do I have to be fit to do this program?
This program is ideally for women of intermediate experience level, meaning there is experience with movement patterns like pushing, pulling, squatting, hinging and moving one's body in space. However, each training session consists of detailed workout notes and levels to meet you where you're at.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Chantel

Mom of 2

Verified Athlete

"Feeling strong as a mother is my biggest desire, and Leah’s programming has given me the confidence to care for myself and my family. Her notes and instructions push me to tackle things I’d likely avoid on my own. I’m so grateful to have her on my side, keeping me strong and ready to serve!"

verified-athlete-avatar Ashley

Mom, Chiropractor, Athlete

Verified Athlete

"Leah has changed my life and how I view fitness. Her program focuses on females, strengthening our bodies in an intentional way. By incorporating breath and core in every movement, it transfers to our daily lives. I've worked with Leah since 2017, and I would recommend this program for any female!"

verified-athlete-avatar Molly


Verified Athlete

"I love this community because the workouts are easy to understand and challenging without being time consuming. As a busy mom, I need a workout that's effective and satisfying but doesn't have me in the gym for over an hour. These workouts do the trick and I love incorporating them into my routine."

verified-athlete-avatar Lexi


Verified Athlete

"I'd never been able to get in the habit of regular exercise until I started working with Leah. The way she programs the workouts is like she knows just what my body needs. I'e made much faster progress than if I would have been on my own. I truly cannot express how pleased I am with my results."

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Brazen Fitness Community