Conjugate Strong

Powerlifting, Power Sports , Weightlifting
Connor Karwowski

In this program you will find four weekly workouts based on the conjugate method. This program is designed to improve max strength, muscular endurance, and hypertrophy. Max effort work will rotate weekly, dynamic effort work will rotate every three weeks, and accessory work will rotate every one to four weeks depending on the movement. This program is for anyone interested in the conjugate method that wants to take the thinking out of planning sessions week to week. The days will be put in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday but can be moved by you to whatever days and order works best for you schedule. Please keep in mind it is best to have 72 hours rest between major workouts of the same body area. 

It is important to note that this is a general program and while I am happy to answer any questions, any individualized programming and review is done one on one through a different channel. If that is what you are interested in, please see the coaching application link in my Instagram bio or send me an email or direct message. 

Directions for Max Effort Work:

  • ​The goal is to work up to a top set within a reasonable number of jumps. We do not want to devote a large amount of the daily volume to this. Try to keep heavy attempts 85%+ limited to no more than 5 or 6. Find your max and shut it down. 
  • Maxes should be high quality. I won't assign RPE, but you should not be aiming for a 10 every single day. Consider all of the factors that go into a heavy lift other than simply contracting your muscles. Your setup, your position, your brace, etc. Try to get all of those on point which sometimes mean taking the weight down a bit. Conservative maxes lead to more consistent progress down the line. 
  • Beat your previous max (if you have one) by five pounds and move on. This has always been #theplan. 
  • This program is primarily designed for raw work but can be modified for those lifting in gear very easily. Regular work in your briefs/suit is important as well as getting at least one shirted bench shirt a month. Please reach out directly with questions or concerns for how to incorporate that. I will include most relevant equipped information in the directions for each workout. 

Directions for Dynamic Effort Work:

  • ​The main goal for today is to move the bar fast. If you find that your speed is just not feeling fast enough or you are extra fatigued, it is okay to drop the percentages a bit. This is called autoregulation and is something that all lifters should learn to do. I typically suggest a 5% drop in weight to start and then adjust from there based on the day. 
  • We can sneak in extra conditioning by keeping the pace quick on this day. Move fast from set to set especially on your main work. I typically recommend trying to do a set every minute on the minute (EMOM) on these days for the main barbell work.
  • We will use free squats and box squats as well as both deadlift stances. Pay attention to the notes for each wave. 
  • Equipped lifters will typically default to wearing briefs/single ply bottoms for dynamic effort lower work but pay attention to specifics in notes week to week. 

Directions for Accessory Work:

  • ​Accessories will make up the bulk of the volume we do daily. Do not neglect them, they are the main builders. Strength, size, and endurance can and will be trained weekly if not daily in this program. 
  • The intensity matters a lot and you need to be picking weights that are difficult to perform near the reps/ranges given with good form. If you find yourself finishing a set of around a dozen but felt you could have easily completed another 5-10 reps, you probably weren't using heavy enough weight. Adjust as necessary. 
  • Accessories typically run in waves. This is so you can progress them and get as much out of the movement as possible. Be aggressive but smart with your jumps week to week. 
  • Do not simply go through the motions. I will often make notes on certain tempos to use but all accessories should be approached with the intent to control the movement. When done properly, lighter weights can feel heavy. This is the sweet spot for long term progression. It's not necessarily a marathon because we need to push the gas a bit harder than that but it certainly doesn't have to be a sprint every day. 

4 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training
Stronger is Better
The stronger you are, the better you perform. The conjugate method directly attacks areas of weakness to improve overall strength. This program takes the guesswork out of the planning and allows you to just work and get better. Strength, size, and stamina will all be worked head on weekly.
Attack Weak Points
This program is designed to attack the most common weak areas seen in lifters while raising all facets of strength. There will of course be a big focus on top end strength as expected with a conjugate program but also a large emphasis on hypertrophy and muscular endurance. I believe the best athletes, even powerlifters, are always well rounded.
Avoid Stagnation
One of the huge benefits of running this program is that we avoid stagnation, the plateauing of progress, by rotating exercises often. Doing this allows you to work at a higher overall intensity while avoiding burnout. If we can work at a higher intensity for longer, that means we get stronger faster. You will not find yourself doing the same thing week to week!
The Program Works for ALL
Whether you are a new or old lifter. Whether you lift in gear or raw. Whether you have access to two bars or twenty. The program is designed to work for all. Options are given weekly to further customize the work to fit your personal setup and circumstance.
Access to your coach
I am happy to answer any questions along the way.
Programming 4 days per week
Two max effort days, lower and upper. Two dynamic effort days, lower and upper.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Easily keep track of progress through the TrainHeroic app.
While conjugate can be run with only a straight bar // it is recommended that you have access to the equipment as follows for variation's sake: straight bar // safety squat bar // football/swiss bar // cambered bar // buffalo bar // bands & chains. If you've made it this far // it is assumed you have access to a bench // rack // box for box squats // and any other basic equipment. In regards to accessories // they will be programed with the understanding that you will have access to normal gym equipment (DB's // typical machines // etc.) but adjustments can be made for those who are training with limited access to equipment like in a home gym. For example // a banded barbell push-up can be subbed in for a chest press machine. Feel free to reach out with any questions for alternatives.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready


Cossack Squats

3 x 20


Lat Pull Down

3 x 25


Off Stance Deadlift From 2” Blocks

8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


Hatfield Box Squats

3 x 10


Db Rdl

3 x 20


Reverse Hyperextensions (legs only)

2 x 30


Banded Leg Curls

3 x 50



Db Flat Bench

3 x 25


Chest Supported Row

3 x 25


Close Grip Incline Bench

10, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


Db Flat Bench

15, 15, MAX


Single Arm DB Row

4 x 20


Single Arm Cable Triceps Extension

30, 30, MAX


Banded Face Pulls

3 x 40


Banded Triceps

3 x 50



Leg Curl Machine

3 x 25


Lat Pull Down

3 x 25


Cambered Bar Free Squat W/Bands

10 x 2


Deadlift w/ Bands

10 x 1


Cambered Bar Goodmorning Squat

3 x 10


Leg Extension Machine

3 x 15


Leg Extension Machine Top 1/2 Reps

10, 10, MAX


Banded Leg Curls

3 x 50


Weighted Sit-up

3 x 15



DB Incline Bench

3 x 25


Lat Pull Down

3 x 25


Incline Bench W/1Chain/side

6, 6, 6, 6, 6, MAX


Vogel Pull Row

15, 15, MAX, MAX


DB Fly (vary incline)

4 x 15


Seated DB High Pull

4 x 15


DB Rear Delt Fly

4 x 15


Single Arm Banded Triceps (Micro band)

3 x 50


DB Hammer Curls

3 x 20

coach-avatar Connor Karwowski

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Conjugate Strong-4 Day Powerlifting Split
Conjugate Strong-4 Day Powerlifting Split
Conjugate Strong-4 Day Powerlifting Split
Conjugate Strong-4 Day Powerlifting Split