At GET STRONG, our programming focuses heavily on building your strength for the compound exercises: squat, bench, and deadlift. In addition to that, we include a mix of exercises that will help you increase your strength, muscle size, and endurance. Our goal is to help you become a well-balanced athlete.
Programming includes 5 sessions per week. 2 lower body, 2 upper body, and a full body. I include optional cardio and conditioning! If you have limited time and can only commit to three to four days, there is a resource available in the group that offers guidance on modifying the sessions to suit your schedule. Every four weeks, new programming will be made available through the Train Heroic app!
You will recieve access to our private facebook group for daily form checks, coaching, a community of like minded members.
Squat movement prep 2
Complete 1-2 rounds! Hip 90/90 rocks x8/ side Adductor side plank x10 sec/ side Side lying hip raise x10/ side Long sitting hip flexor lift off x8/ side Front foot elevated split squat iso hold x20 sec/ side NO WEIGHT AFTER, perform weighted bracing: Set a timer for 3 min. Place KB on diaphram and take a big brace/push against KB. While holding that brace, take 3 breaths without letting the KB drop! REST for 10 sec, then go again til you hit 3 min!
3, 4, 4, 4
Paused deadlift
3 x 3
Triple pump hip thrust
3 x 10
Lateral step down
3 x 8
Cable side bend
3 x 10
Bench movement prep 3
Complete 1-2 rounds total! Quadruped thoracic rotation x8/ side Lat stretch/contraction x8/ side Thoracic extension x8 HK bottoms up horizontal abd/add x8/side HK bottoms up single arm press x8/ side HK bottoms up bench x8/ side
3 count pause bench
3 x 5
8 Minute chin up EMOM
8 x 3
Chest supported row
3 x 10
Seated arnold press
3 x 10
Rolling db triceps extension
3 x MAX
Choose one cardio or conditioning
Here are 3 different options. Please choose one! Option 1: Set timer for 10 min. Complete as many rounds as possible Rear foot elevated pogo hops x20/ side Split stance rotational med ball slam x10/ side Renegade row x8/ side Option 2: Assault bike, rower, ski-erg, or treadmill sprints: 15 seconds @ 85% speed/ effort, 30 seconds off for 8 rounds Option 3: Bike or walk (can be outside or on treadmill. Can also do incline) for 20-30 minutes. You should be able to hold a conversation throughout! (you can do this daily- I highly incourage more walking throughout your day!)
Squat movement prep 2
Complete 1-2 rounds! Hip 90/90 rocks x8/ side Adductor side plank x10 sec/ side Side lying hip raise x10/ side Long sitting hip flexor lift off x8/ side Front foot elevated split squat iso hold x20 sec/ side NO WEIGHT AFTER, perform weighted bracing: Set a timer for 3 min. Place KB on diaphram and take a big brace/push against KB. While holding that brace, take 3 breaths without letting the KB drop! REST for 10 sec, then go again til you hit 3 min!
5 x 3
Close grip bench
3 x 6
Cable lateral raise
3 x 15
Cable rope face pull
3 x 10
KB swing
3 x 10
Deadlift movement prep 2
Complete 1-2 rounds total Adductor rock back x10/ side Bridge walkout x20 steps Med ball hip airplane x8/ side Banded reverse nordic x8 Hollow body hold x20 sec After, perform weighted bracing: Set a timer for 3 min. Place KB on diaphram and take a big brace/push against KB. While holding that brace, take 3 breaths without letting the KB drop! REST for 10 sec, then go again til you hit 3 min!
3, 3, 3, 4, 4
1, 1, 4, 4, 4
Single leg extension
3 x 10
Copenhagen cross connect crunch
3 x 8
Half kneeling KB windmill
3 x 10
Cardio of choice
20-30 minutes of cardio of choice. You should be able to hold a conversation throughout. I like the stationary bike or treadmill!
Hip mobility
Hip Mobility:- set a timer for 10-15 min and complete as many rounds: Hip 90/90 rocks x8/ side Half kneeling rig hip cars x8/side Adductor rock back w/ foot rotation x8/ side Hip flexor stretch x20 sec/ side KB hip shift x8/ side Kneeling side plank + hip abduction iso hold x20 sec/ side
Plyo+ core circuit
Complete as many rounds as possible for 10 min 1. Bulgarian split squat high knee jump 8/ side 2. Offset carry 20 steps/ side 3. Plyo push ups 10 reps
Jefferson curl
3 x 8
The secret to getting strong and living a healthy life is just ONE click away!
Get GET STRONG+Client testimonial
Verified Athlete"This program has made me the strongest I've ever been. Programming is thoughtful, sound and collaborative, and she has an uncanny ability to deliver form cues that really make a difference. She's helped me rebuild my squat and RDL from the ground up and I am SO much more confident in my other lifts."
Client testimonial
Verified Athlete"I have gained so much strength and confidence since starting in March. I love how straightforward the workouts are and it’s so exciting and motivating to see what I will be able to do each week. Hailey always has the best tips to help with form, even the little tweaks make such a difference!"
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.