This all-access bundle gets you BOTH Optimal Bros AND Optimal Dawgs teams. Unsure of what split to run? Want to switch between splits? Then this is for you.
➤ Training Splits: 4 Day Upper Lower AND 3 Day Full Body
➤ Access to BOTH Group Chats
We use the most up to date research within the exercise science literature to ensure that we are continuing to optimize our training for the FASTEST MUSCLE GAINS.
This means that we actively use the best training methods to get the best results, in the most efficient manner possible. No guessing, just doing what's best.
It is the level of attention to small detail and the intelligently & consciously constructed programming alongside the use of a science-based approach that make this program so exceptionally effective for muscle gains.
We guarantee the fastest results, and you can be certain that you're getting the knowledge, training, and results you deserve.
It's more than just a program.
My goal as your coach is to provide you with the most value possible, not JUST the training.
Thus, if you’re a part of the crew, you will be continuously learning in addition to training as I also focus on educating the team.
Unlike with most "coaches" (who are really just iNfLuEncErS that pretend to know more than they do) nowadays, you can be sure you're getting accurate information alongside top-tier training.
If you're ready to continuously learn from me, train harder & more productive than ever, join a community full of like-minded individuals, and completely take the guesswork out of your training, then join in now and expect the results to come faster than ever.
You won't find a better program with as much value.
Inside the app:
Ongoing Programming to continue maximizing gains.
Track Progress.
Exercise Notes (Instructions, Warm-Up Sets, Working Sets, Tempo, Reps, Intensity, Rest).
Exercise Demo Videos (exact technique).
3 Team Group Chats.
24/7 Communication with me (Group Chat, Private DMs).
Unlimited Questions and Technique Analysis (Form Checks).
1:1 assistance/guidance with Nutrition via DMs.
Outside the app (included):
Exercise Substitutions (all exercises).
Detailed eBook (Startup, Training, Nutrition, Cardio, etc.).
Team Emails with new Q&A (1-3 /mo).
Study of the Week (Weekly Research Review).
Team Weekly Check-In.
and more..
Ryan Jewers is a Bodybuilder & Fitness Coach that specializes in Hypertrophy Training. Ryan aims to use the requisite knowledge, skills, and experience he has gathered over years of extensive research & working with hundreds of clients to help all individuals reach their fitness goals. He is dedicated to providing the best experience and takes pride in creating a strong coach-client relationship.
Click below to start working with me at a price you can't beat.
Get All-Access Optimal GainsWhen you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.