Weightlifting Level 2

Catalyst Athletics

Weightlifting, Olympic Lifting
Greg Everett

This is a beginner weightlifting program intended to be used following the Level 1 program by athletes who have recently learned the snatch and clean & jerk but have spent at least a little time doing a weightlifting program already.

It's based on the Level 2 program in Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches by Greg Everett.

Loading is determined each day by feel according to instructions - weights/percentages are not prescribed.

The program includes all warm-up, prep, mobility and accessory work.

Note: This program does NOT include coaching.

Complete Program
Includes all prep, accessory and mobility work to keep you healthy and progressing maximally.
Programming 4 days per week
4 complete workouts each week
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Workouts, videos, instructions, logging and more through the app.
Barbell & Weights // Squat Rack
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Week 1 Day 1



Team Warm-Up

Following is a complete warm-up. You don’t need to do all of it—use as much of it as you need. 1. 2-10 min monstructural (bike, row, etc) 2. Foam Rolling Series 3. Dynamic Warm-up (DROM) Series 4. Lower Body WU Mobility Series 5. Upper Body WU Mobility Series



Prep A-2

1-3 sets: P1. Band External Rotation + Press x 10-12 P2. Medball Straddle Adduction x 10-15 P3. Step-Through x 10-15 Think of this as the minimum—feel free to do any of these exercises on other days as well, and of course, add others you have found are necessary or valuable for you.


Snatch Barbell Warm-up

3 x 5



5 x 3


Snatch Pull on Riser

3 x 4


Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat

3 x 6


Back Squat

3 x 8



3 sets: A1. Plank x 20-30 sec A2. 1-leg DB RDL x 10/side



Team Post-Workout Stretching

Do this complete circuit, or use only the stretches you need. You can also do some stretches between accessory work sets to save time. Hold each stretch for 20-60 seconds. If you use shorter holds, ideally do 2-3 sets of the series. Breathe deeply and try to relax into the stretches. Don’t push to the point of straining—if you’re sore the next day, you’re stretching too hard. You can also do most of these stretches as PNF contract-relax reps: Get into a stretched position and hold for 20-30 seconds, then isometrically contract the muscle(s) you’re stretching for 5-6 seconds at about 40-50% effort, then relax and move into a deeper stretch for 5-6 seconds, and repeat this 5-6 times. You can also add a contraction of the agonist muscles as you move into the deeper stretch, e.g. if stretching the hamstrings, tighten the quads and hip flexors. Lower body • Lying hamstring • Butterfly • Glute crossover • Straddle • Pigeon • Quad/hip flexor • Spiderman lunge • Russian Baby Maker • Ankle • Hurdler or Modified hurdler • Front Splits Upper Body • Weighted Shoulder Flexion • Leaning bar hang • 1-Arm Lat hang • Doorjamb Pec • Underarm + Rotation • Apley Push • Barbell Rack Stretch • Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar deviation (with hook)

Week 1 Day 2



Team Warm-Up

Following is a complete warm-up. You don’t need to do all of it—use as much of it as you need. 1. 2-10 min monstructural (bike, row, etc) 2. Foam Rolling Series 3. Dynamic Warm-up (DROM) Series 4. Lower Body WU Mobility Series 5. Upper Body WU Mobility Series



Prep B-2

1-3 sets: P1. Face Pull (split grip) x 10-15 P2. Banded No-Wall Slide x 10-15 P3. Iso Adduction Glute Bridge x 10-15 Think of this as the minimum—feel free to do any of these exercises on other days as well, and of course, add others you have found are necessary or valuable for you.


Power Snatch

5 x 3


Power Clean

5 x 3


Jerk (Split Jerk)

5 x 3


Stiff-Legged Deadlift (SLDL)

3 x 5



3 sets: A1. 1-arm Farmer carry x 50 m A2. Jack knife x max A3. Side plank x 20-30 sec



Team Post-Workout Stretching

Do this complete circuit, or use only the stretches you need. You can also do some stretches between accessory work sets to save time. Hold each stretch for 20-60 seconds. If you use shorter holds, ideally do 2-3 sets of the series. Breathe deeply and try to relax into the stretches. Don’t push to the point of straining—if you’re sore the next day, you’re stretching too hard. You can also do most of these stretches as PNF contract-relax reps: Get into a stretched position and hold for 20-30 seconds, then isometrically contract the muscle(s) you’re stretching for 5-6 seconds at about 40-50% effort, then relax and move into a deeper stretch for 5-6 seconds, and repeat this 5-6 times. You can also add a contraction of the agonist muscles as you move into the deeper stretch, e.g. if stretching the hamstrings, tighten the quads and hip flexors. Lower body • Lying hamstring • Butterfly • Glute crossover • Straddle • Pigeon • Quad/hip flexor • Spiderman lunge • Russian Baby Maker • Ankle • Hurdler or Modified hurdler • Front Splits Upper Body • Weighted Shoulder Flexion • Leaning bar hang • 1-Arm Lat hang • Doorjamb Pec • Underarm + Rotation • Apley Push • Barbell Rack Stretch • Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar deviation (with hook)

Week 1 Day 4



Team Warm-Up

Following is a complete warm-up. You don’t need to do all of it—use as much of it as you need. 1. 2-10 min monstructural (bike, row, etc) 2. Foam Rolling Series 3. Dynamic Warm-up (DROM) Series 4. Lower Body WU Mobility Series 5. Upper Body WU Mobility Series



Prep C-2

1-3 sets: P1. Band Pull-Apart x 10-15 P2. Standing Banded Hip Internal Rotation x 10-15 P3. Leg Extension (5 sec ecc) x 8-12 Think of this as the minimum—feel free to do any of these exercises on other days as well, and of course, add others you have found are necessary or valuable for you.


Clean Barbell Warm-up

3 x 5



5 x 3


Clean Pull on Riser

3 x 4


Front Squat

3 x 5


Good Morning

3 x 5



3 sets: A1. 1-leg glute bridge x 10/side A2. Dead bug x max A3. Pull-ups x max



Team Post-Workout Stretching

Do this complete circuit, or use only the stretches you need. You can also do some stretches between accessory work sets to save time. Hold each stretch for 20-60 seconds. If you use shorter holds, ideally do 2-3 sets of the series. Breathe deeply and try to relax into the stretches. Don’t push to the point of straining—if you’re sore the next day, you’re stretching too hard. You can also do most of these stretches as PNF contract-relax reps: Get into a stretched position and hold for 20-30 seconds, then isometrically contract the muscle(s) you’re stretching for 5-6 seconds at about 40-50% effort, then relax and move into a deeper stretch for 5-6 seconds, and repeat this 5-6 times. You can also add a contraction of the agonist muscles as you move into the deeper stretch, e.g. if stretching the hamstrings, tighten the quads and hip flexors. Lower body • Lying hamstring • Butterfly • Glute crossover • Straddle • Pigeon • Quad/hip flexor • Spiderman lunge • Russian Baby Maker • Ankle • Hurdler or Modified hurdler • Front Splits Upper Body • Weighted Shoulder Flexion • Leaning bar hang • 1-Arm Lat hang • Doorjamb Pec • Underarm + Rotation • Apley Push • Barbell Rack Stretch • Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar deviation (with hook)

Week 1 Day 6



Team Warm-Up

Following is a complete warm-up. You don’t need to do all of it—use as much of it as you need. 1. 2-10 min monstructural (bike, row, etc) 2. Foam Rolling Series 3. Dynamic Warm-up (DROM) Series 4. Lower Body WU Mobility Series 5. Upper Body WU Mobility Series



Prep D-2

1-3 sets: P1. Scap Pull-up Circles x 10-15 P2. Band Side Shuffle x 10-12/side P3. Band Coil Single-Leg Hinge + Knee Raise x 8-12 Think of this as the minimum—feel free to do any of these exercises on other days as well, and of course, add others you have found are necessary or valuable for you.



6 x 1


Clean & Jerk

6 x 2


Back Squat

4 x 5


Push Press

3 x 5



3 sets: A1. Anti-rotation Russian twist x 10/side A2. Back extension x 10-15 A3. Reverse crunch x max



Team Post-Workout Stretching

Do this complete circuit, or use only the stretches you need. You can also do some stretches between accessory work sets to save time. Hold each stretch for 20-60 seconds. If you use shorter holds, ideally do 2-3 sets of the series. Breathe deeply and try to relax into the stretches. Don’t push to the point of straining—if you’re sore the next day, you’re stretching too hard. You can also do most of these stretches as PNF contract-relax reps: Get into a stretched position and hold for 20-30 seconds, then isometrically contract the muscle(s) you’re stretching for 5-6 seconds at about 40-50% effort, then relax and move into a deeper stretch for 5-6 seconds, and repeat this 5-6 times. You can also add a contraction of the agonist muscles as you move into the deeper stretch, e.g. if stretching the hamstrings, tighten the quads and hip flexors. Lower body • Lying hamstring • Butterfly • Glute crossover • Straddle • Pigeon • Quad/hip flexor • Spiderman lunge • Russian Baby Maker • Ankle • Hurdler or Modified hurdler • Front Splits Upper Body • Weighted Shoulder Flexion • Leaning bar hang • 1-Arm Lat hang • Doorjamb Pec • Underarm + Rotation • Apley Push • Barbell Rack Stretch • Wrist flexion, extension, ulnar deviation (with hook)

coach-avatar Greg Everett

In over 15 years, he’s coached multiple national champions & record holders, Pan Am & European Championships medalists, & World Championships competitors from multiple countries. He’s coach of the Catalyst Athletics USA Weightlifting national championship team, a USA Weightlifting International Coach, and was named 2021 Danish Coach of the Year—the first non-Danish coach to be awarded the honor.

Weightlifting Level 2