CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts

TrainRx Performance Programming

Rick Gorrell

Build an engine that will not quit.

Daily workouts on CyclicalRx are designed to help you build Aerobic Capacity and improve Anaerobic Endurance. These workouts are monostructural training pieces only - meaning we use the Airbike, Rower, Jump Rope, and Run.

Each week is structured around a constantly varied formatting cycle, this will provide you with a high variety of WOD formats that are sure to keep you engaged, excited, and ready for anything on a daily basis.

This program is designed for anyone looking to add cardio to their weekly Strength Training routine, for anyone looking to add additional cardio/conditioning to a CrossFit based routine, or for the avid cardio enthusiast looking for fun training sessions that will help them build work capacity!

Why You Should Do Cardio
Here's exactly how to know if you should be including cardio in your weekly training: You want to live longer / You want more energy / You want to recover faster / You want to be able to handle more training volume The benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training are immense, if you want to experience any of the things above, you need to include it in your training routine!
Build Work Capacity
Adding regular cardio into your training routine is proven to help you build work capacity and improve overall physical performance. It doesn't matter what you are training for, adding a few days per week of cardio will help you reach your goals faster!
Easily Pairs with Strength Training
Want both strength & conditioning? Break up your week with 3-4 strength training specific days and 1-2 cardio days per week and you will get a killer combination of gains and engine building!
Programming 7 days per week
Each training week includes 5 cardio based workouts + 2 Rest Days.
Detailed Daily Workout Instructions
Each workout includes a detailed explanation of your workout.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Training stimulus, format instructions, and more are always covered.
Airbike (Assault Bike or Rogue Echo Bike) // Rower // Jump Rump // Treadmill or Track Access
Ski Erg
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Rest Day
CyclicalRx - 16

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Ring Row 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

Chipper - Descending Calorie Count: Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete 3 individual sets of the couplet listed "For Time" - each individual set includes all 3 calorie counts for the specified machine/movement • Follow the calorie count as it descends each individual work set within the full set • Full Sets include all 3 calorie counts • Choose RX/Alternative Movement option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Full Sets 250/200m Row 21-15-9 Calories; Airbike Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add additional variety to today' training 3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Full Sets 250/200m Ski Erg 21-15-9 Calories; Airbike Score the time it takes to complete the fastest full set.

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Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 30 Single Unders 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Jump Lunges/Side 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

AMRAP - Long: Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete as many full rounds as possible in 18:00 minutes • Aim to move at paces that allow for consistent effort from one set to the next • Choose the RX/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 60 Double Unders 500/400m Row 15/12 Calories Airbike Scaled: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 60 Single Unders 500/400m Row 15/12 Calories Airbike Score the number of full rounds completed in 18:00 minutes.

CyclicalRx - 18

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Ring Row 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

EMOM - Short: Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete the prescribed calorie/rep count every minute on the minute for 3:00 minutes • Use any remaining time in the 1:00 minute intervals after completing the calorie/rep count as rest before starting the next set • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled/Alternative Movement option based on your own individual capacity • Target finishing times between 0:45-0:50 seconds per work set RX: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 20/16 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 20/18 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 200m Run RX+: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 22/18 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 25/20 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 250m Run Scaled: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 18/15 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 18/15 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 150m Run Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to include additional variety in today's training EMOM x 6:00 Minutes x 3 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 20/16 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 20/18 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 20/16 Calorie Ski Erg Score the number of successful sets (rounds) completed out 18 total.

Rest Day
CyclicalRx - 19

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Jump Lunges/Side 30 Single Unders 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

Chipper - Sets For Time: Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete 5 individual sets of the couplet, each set "For Time" • Aim for similar finishing times with each attempt to demonstrate repeatability • Choose the RX/Alternative Movement option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 5 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets 400m Run 500/400m Row Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add variety to today's training 5 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets 500/400m Ski Erg 500/400m Row Score the time it takes to complete the fastest set of the couplet.

CyclicalRx - 20

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Bear Crawl (10 Steps Forward/10 Steps Backward) 30 Single Unders 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

EMOM - Long: Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete the prescribed calorie count every minute on the minute for 40:00 minutes • Use any remaining time in the 1:00 minute intervals after completing the calorie count as rest before starting the next set • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your own individual capacity • Target finishing times between 0:20-0:25 seconds per work set RX: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 10/8 Calories Airbike RX+: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 12/10 Calories Airbike Scaled: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 7/5 Calories Airbike Score the number of successful sets (rounds) completed out of 40.

coach-avatar Rick Gorrell

Owner - TrainRx Performance Programming: Certified Functional Strength & Conditioning Coach with 10 years experience training/coaching on and off the gym floor.

Your Results Matter

The results you see from your training are a direct reflection of my ability as a coach and trainer. I take writing this program very seriously, and will always go above and beyond to provide you with the best possible training I can provide.

Get CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts
How long are the workouts?
Each workout ranges between 30:00-40:00 minutes depending on the format of the day.
Can I combine this program with another program?
Yes! If you're interested in using this program with another send me a message on the app and I will guide you every step of the way!
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CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts
CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts
CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts
CyclicalRx - Cardio Only Workouts