Build an engine that will not quit.
Daily workouts on CyclicalRx are designed to help you build Aerobic Capacity and improve Anaerobic Endurance. These workouts are monostructural training pieces only - meaning we use the Airbike, Rower, Jump Rope, and Run.
Each week is structured around a constantly varied formatting cycle, this will provide you with a high variety of WOD formats that are sure to keep you engaged, excited, and ready for anything on a daily basis.
This program is designed for anyone looking to add cardio to their weekly Strength Training routine, for anyone looking to add additional cardio/conditioning to a CrossFit based routine, or for the avid cardio enthusiast looking for fun training sessions that will help them build work capacity!
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Ring Row 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace
Chipper - Descending Calorie Count: Monostructural
Instructions: • Complete 3 individual sets of the couplet listed "For Time" - each individual set includes all 3 calorie counts for the specified machine/movement • Follow the calorie count as it descends each individual work set within the full set • Full Sets include all 3 calorie counts • Choose RX/Alternative Movement option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Full Sets 250/200m Row 21-15-9 Calories; Airbike Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add additional variety to today' training 3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Full Sets 250/200m Ski Erg 21-15-9 Calories; Airbike Score the time it takes to complete the fastest full set.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 30 Single Unders 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Jump Lunges/Side 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace
AMRAP - Long: Monostructural
Instructions: • Complete as many full rounds as possible in 18:00 minutes • Aim to move at paces that allow for consistent effort from one set to the next • Choose the RX/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 60 Double Unders 500/400m Row 15/12 Calories Airbike Scaled: 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort 60 Single Unders 500/400m Row 15/12 Calories Airbike Score the number of full rounds completed in 18:00 minutes.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Ring Row 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace
EMOM - Short: Monostructural
Instructions: • Complete the prescribed calorie/rep count every minute on the minute for 3:00 minutes • Use any remaining time in the 1:00 minute intervals after completing the calorie/rep count as rest before starting the next set • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled/Alternative Movement option based on your own individual capacity • Target finishing times between 0:45-0:50 seconds per work set RX: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 20/16 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 20/18 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 200m Run RX+: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 22/18 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 25/20 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 250m Run Scaled: EMOM x 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 18/15 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 18/15 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 150m Run Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to include additional variety in today's training EMOM x 6:00 Minutes x 3 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets Minute 1:00: 20/16 Calories Airbike Minute 2:00: 20/18 Calorie Row Minute 3:00: 20/16 Calorie Ski Erg Score the number of successful sets (rounds) completed out 18 total.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Jump Lunges/Side 30 Single Unders 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace
Chipper - Sets For Time: Monostructural
Instructions: • Complete 5 individual sets of the couplet, each set "For Time" • Aim for similar finishing times with each attempt to demonstrate repeatability • Choose the RX/Alternative Movement option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 5 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets 400m Run 500/400m Row Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add variety to today's training 5 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets 500/400m Ski Erg 500/400m Row Score the time it takes to complete the fastest set of the couplet.
Optional Warm Up
Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Bear Crawl (10 Steps Forward/10 Steps Backward) 30 Single Unders 15m Prisoner Walking Lunge (20 Steps); Body Weight 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace
EMOM - Long: Monostructural
Instructions: • Complete the prescribed calorie count every minute on the minute for 40:00 minutes • Use any remaining time in the 1:00 minute intervals after completing the calorie count as rest before starting the next set • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your own individual capacity • Target finishing times between 0:20-0:25 seconds per work set RX: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 10/8 Calories Airbike RX+: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 12/10 Calories Airbike Scaled: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort 7/5 Calories Airbike Score the number of successful sets (rounds) completed out of 40.
Owner - TrainRx Performance Programming: Certified Functional Strength & Conditioning Coach with 10 years experience training/coaching on and off the gym floor.
The results you see from your training are a direct reflection of my ability as a coach and trainer. I take writing this program very seriously, and will always go above and beyond to provide you with the best possible training I can provide.
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