StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training

TrainRx Performance Programming

Strength & Conditioning, Endurance
Rick Gorrell

Improve muscular endurance, increase stamina, and smash hardcore conditioning work.

StrengthRx is designed to provide you with daily, hard hitting conditioning based workouts that will help you build work capacity, improve overall endurance, and get you in and out of the gym in 40:00 minutes or less.

Each training day has one goal in mind - move fast and lift heavy. You can expect to perform a wide variety of exercises including the Olympic Lifts, body weight movements, the major compound lifts, and more on a weekly basis. StrengthRx is a CrossFit enthusiast's dream. Every single training day utilizes interval work, includes a wide variety of training formats such as AMRAPs, Chippers, EMOMs, and more - you will always be challenged to pack in a ton of intensity.

Move Fast & Lift Heavy
This is what CrossFit is all about. Interval based, high intensity workouts that will provide you with the best of all training modalities. If you are looking to build strength, increase work capacity, and finish your workout feeling drained and accomplished this program is for you.
Build an Engine That Will Not Quit
StrengthRx provides high intensity, high density based workouts that will challenge you on a daily basis to produce. These fast paced workouts combine weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio to give you the best of both overall strength work and conditioning.
Programming 7 days per week
Each week includes 5 training days + 2 Rest Days
Exercise Video Guidance
Demo videos are provided to ensure you are moving correctly through every rep you perform.
Detailed Daily Workout Instructions
Training stimulus, format instructions, RX/R+/Scaled options, and more are always covered.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Track results, follow progress, and crush every workout on the TrainHeroic App.
Barbell + Bumper Plates // Pull Up Bar // Plyo Box // Dumbbells or Kettlebells
Airbike (Assault Bike or Rogue Echo Bike) // Rower
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Rest Day
StrengthRx - 16

Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Hand Release Push Up 15m Dual KB Hamstring March (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Jump Lunges/Side 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

AMRAP: Gymnastic + Weighted + Monostructural


Instructions: • Accumulate as many calories on the Rower as possible in each individual set of the AMRAP • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 3:00/3:00 x 5 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort 10 Bar Facing Burpee 7 Deadlift; 225/135 lb 10 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Row (Calories) RX+: 3:00/3:00 x 5 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort 10 Bar Facing Burpee 7 Deadlift; 275/155 lb 10 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Row (Calories) Scaled: 3:00/3:00 x 5 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort 10 Bar Facing Burpee 7 Deadlift; 185/95 lb 10 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Row (Calories) Score the total number of calories accumulated on the Rower in all 5 sets combined.

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Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Hand Release Push Up 15m Bear Crawl (10 Steps Forward/10 Steps Backward) 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads

EMOM: Weighted + Gymnastic + Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete the prescribed workload for the individual movement every minute on the minute for 40:00 total minutes (8 sets/movement) • Use any remaining time in the individual minute intervals as rest before starting the next set • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort Minute 1:00: 15m Dual DB Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand Minute 2:00: 10 Box Jump Over - Box Height: 24"/20" Minute 3:00: 10/8 Calories Airbike Minute 4:00: 10 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 50/30 lb per Hand Minute 5:00: 10 Toes to Bar RX+: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort Minute 1:00: 15m Dual DB Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 50/30 lb per Hand Minute 2:00: 10 Box Jump Over - Box Height: 24"/20" Minute 3:00: 15/12 Calories Airbike Minute 4:00: 10 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 70/50 lb per Hand Minute 5:00: 10 Toes to Bar Scaled: EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort Minute 1:00: 15m Dual DB Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 35/20 lb per Hand Minute 2:00: 10 Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" Minute 3:00: 7/5 Calories Airbike Minute 4:00: 10 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead; 35/20 lb per Hand Minute 5:00: 10 Toes to Bar or V-Up Score the number of successful sets (rounds) completed out of 40.

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Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Ring Row 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 5 Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" 15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads

Chipper - Long Duration: Gymnastic + Weighted + Monostructural


Instructions: • Complete the prescribed workload for each exercise in the circuit "For Time" • Use short, efficient rest periods as needed to break up the larger rep counts • Target finishing scores between 20:00-30:00 minutes • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled/Alternative Movement option based your ability and desired stimulus for the workout RX: For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 30 Single Arm DB Hang Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb 50/40 Calorie Row 30 Front Squat; 155/115 lb 50 Burpee Box Jump Over - Box Height: 24"/20" RX+: For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 30 Single Arm DB Hang Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb 50/40 Calorie Row 30 Front Squat; 185/135 lb 50 Burpee Box Jump Over - Box Height: 24"/20" Scaled: For Time; At Sustained Effort 30 Strict Pull Up 30 Single Arm DB Hang Power Snatch/Side; 35/20 lb 50/40 Calorie Row 30 Front Squat; 135/95 lb 50 Burpee Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add additional variety to today's training For Time; At Sustained Effort 50 Pull Up; Kipping or Strict 30 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder; 150/100 lb 50/40 Calorie Row 30 Sandbag Squat; 150/100 lb 50 Burpee Box Jump Over - Box Height: 24"/20" Score the time it takes to complete the Chipper.

Rest Day
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Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 15m Bear Crawl (10 Steps Forward/10n Steps Backward) 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 5 Box Jump Step Down - Box Height: 24"/20" 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

AMRAP: Monostructural + Gymnastic + Weighted


Instructions: • Complete as many repetitions as possible in each individual set of each individual AMRAP • Rest as prescribed between sets of the AMRAPs and the individual AMRAPs • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calories Airbike 5 Strict Pull Up 3 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 50/30 lb + Rest 5:00 Minutes + 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calorie Row 5 GHD Sit Up or Sit Up 3 Deadlift; 275/155 lb RX+: 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calories Airbike 5 Bar Muscle Up or Ring Muscle Up 3 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb + Rest 5:00 Minutes + 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calorie Row 5 GHD Sit Up or Sit Up 3 Deadlift; 315/175 lb Scaled: 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calories Airbike 5 Strict Pull Up 3 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 35/20 lb + Rest 5:00 Minutes + 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets 7/5 Calorie Row 5 Sit Up 3 Deadlift; 225/135 lb Score the total number of repetitions completed in all sets of the AMRAPs combined (reps + calories).

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Optional Warm Up


Pre-Fatigue: 3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets 7 Russian KB Swing; Moderate Loads 15m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads 7 Jump Lunges/Side 0:30 Seconds: Airbike - Steady Pace

EMOM (Intervals): Monostructural + Gymnastic + Weighted


Instructions: • Accumulate as many Power Clean repetitions as possible in each individual set of the circuit • Perform a new work set every 6:00 minutes for 30:00 minutes total (5 sets) • Choose the RX/RX+/Scaled/Alternative Movement option based on your ability or desired stimulus for the workout RX: Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; For Max Calories; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 20 Toes to Bar 10 Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Step Up (Total); 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 155/95 lb RX+: Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; For Max Calories; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 20 Toes to Bar 10 Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Step Up (Total); 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 185/115 lb Scaled: Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; For Max Calories; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 20 Toes to Bar or V-Up 10 Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Step Up (Total); 35/20 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean; 135/75 lb Alternative Movement Option: Perform the following alternative workout if you would like to add additional variety to today's training Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; For Max Calories; At Sustained Effort 500/400m Row 20 Toes to Bar 10 Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Step Up (Total); 50/30 lb per Hand - Box Height: 24"/20" AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Snatch; 135/75 lb Score the total number of Power Clean repetitions accumulated in all 5 sets combined.

coach-avatar Rick Gorrell

Owner - TrainRx Performance Programming: Certified Functional Strength & Conditioning Coach with 10 years experience training/coaching on and off the gym floor.

Your Results Matter

The results you see from your training are a direct reflection of my ability as a coach and trainer. I take writing this program very seriously, and will always go above and beyond to provide you with the best possible training I can provide.

Get StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training
What is an EMOM?
An EMOM is a training format that controls work to rest ratios. The acronym stands for "Every Minute On the Minute" and directs you to perform a work set at the start of a new minute.
Who is this program for?
This program is for anyone looking for short, highly effective strength & conditioning based workouts.
Is there strength training on this program?
No, StrengthRx is designed to help you improve your "Strength Battery" - this is your ability to move heavy loads under fatigue!
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StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training
StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training
StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training
StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training